Parent Ambassador Association

The Parent Ambassador Volunteer is an added benefit to reach those young people within your community that may not be aware of the Youth ChalleNGe Program. As a Parent Ambassador Volunteer, your main responsibility is simple – Tell someone about the Arkansas Youth ChalleNGe Program. If the program is right for your young person, it can also benefit someone else. You will work with other parents within your geographical area. When a parent, youth or family is referred to us, we will schedule an appointment with that family within the area that they reside. Please understand that you are not an employee of the state military department, nor will you be compensated in any form for your efforts.

In knowing these provisions, we would like to thank those of you that have agreed to take part in this exciting venture for helping make our communities aware of this awesome program that changes the lives of our young people. Whenever four (4) or more names are referred by you, we will host an Enrollment Seminar in your community. By setting up an Enrollment Seminar within your community, it saves time, gas, effort and money from having to travel to our North Little Rock Campus. This is a statewide effort. If you’d like to get involve with our Parent Ambassador Association, please complete the registration form below. To refer the names of potential applicants, contact our Admissions office at 1-800-814-8453. Thanks again for volunteering your time and service.